
  • The Sun's Gift: How Sunshine Illuminates Our Hearts and Souls

    Have you noticed how naturally happy you feel when you see the sun is peaking through your window, even before you rise out of bed and think how gr...
  • FIX Embracing Change: How I Rekindled My Passion for Writing

    You know when you’ve felt like you know where you’re destined to be, or what you what to do in life or your greatest passions, and something seems ...
  • Empathy and Boundaries: Embracing Self-Care in Relationships

    I’ve found myself in a pickle of late. It’s been a little while since I’ve arrived here. You see, I’m a natural giver of my time and energy. Count ...
  • Connecting with Spirit: Unveiling the Magic of Automatic Writing

    I remember when someone first explained automatic writing to me. They convinced me it was a great way to connect with spirit and with the guidance ...
  • Beach Therapy: Harnessing the Ocean's Unique Healing Abilities

    The healing abilities of the ocean are unique and unreplicable. The ocean spans the globe as a massive mass of water, that carries ships to lengthy...
  • Escaping the Overwhelm: Reclaiming Time and Pursuing Dreams

    Our world is designed to keep us spinning in our errands, never ending to-do lists, without enough hours in the day or week to complete them. It se...
  • Rising from the Shadows: Awakening to Your True Potential

    I feel as though I'm constantly preoccupied and caught up on the busyness of my day-to-day and somehow, months and years have disappeared and refle...
  • Breaking the Loop: Encouraging Action over Repetitive Conversations

    I took the long and windy road to finally learn that no one actually wants your advice.  Over the years, I’ve always been the friend that listens. ...
  • The Journey of Self-Preservation: Letting Go of Draining Relationships

    I’ve been a natural giver for as long as I can remember. Making myself available to everyone in my life, whether they are in the inner circle, or n...
  • The Power in a Routine

    I remember a time where I hated routines. The monotony of a routine and being predictable. So for me, every day would be different and I was determ...
  • When the Storm Finally Settles

    It can be challenging to see clearly when you in the middle of a shit show. When you feel overwhelmed by every area of life, and it’s coming in har...
  • Am I done with building my foundations?

    I feel like I’m sitting on the precipice of something beyond my wildest dreams. I mean I had a similar feeling for the last 8-10years although, fin...