The Guided Storyteller

Stories have formed the foundation of my learning. From my grandfather hooking us into the tales he would share to teach us a lesson, to the stories we share among friends to laugh or share enlightenment, stories are integral to how we operate in life.

For me personally, when I connect into the spiritual realms and escape into the mysticism of the different dimensions and realms, I hear guidance of the ancient tales that were once shared in order to help us heal and evolve our being, and ultimately, to be in service to others to aid the collective in its growth period.

Life has taken me down a long path to navigate through a depth of experiences that I've been able to recount and share with others, because I found when I open up in vulnerability, many others feel inspired to make changes in their own lives for their betterment.

We are here on Earth to be of service to others and the evolution of our collective to make the change we all desire to witness. It starts with our personal journey first, and then a domino effect takes place when we influence those in circle and outwards.

Image with text

Emerging out of the Shadow podcast

my written stories showcase

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